15" NFS
Lincoln (side view)
8" NFS
Rabbit (1 of 2)
[a set w/Wolf]
7" x 6" x 2" $395
Wolf (1 of 2)
[a set w/Rabbit]
13" x 22" x 2" $395
Hunter's Moon
16" x 17" x 3 1/2" $495
F6D and Crew
Height = 5"
on 1" base NFS
Elephant Mother
and Calf
Height = 16" $495
Pair of Black Bears
Height = 12" SOLD
American Bald Eagle
Height = 15" NFS
Wolf in Moon's Ring
Height = 17" NFS
Nude in Wading
Height = 13 1/2" NFS
Mare and Yearling
Height = 12" NFS
Mare and New Born
Height = 12" NFS
Bear Scratching
Back on Pole
Height = 12" NFS
Daniel Boone
Height = 18" NFS
Grizzly Bears in River
Height = 12" NFS
Charging Grizzly
Height = 12" SOLD
The Creation
Height = 17" $995
Cheetah and Cub
Height = 16" NFS
[click on image to enlarge]
Bust of Carver
Height = 8"
on 3" base NFS
Old Geezer
Height = 10" NFS
Retriever at Rest
Height = 9" Length = 17" NFS
Buck and a Half
on a Mountain
22 1/2" x 17" x 3 " $995
'Poke in a Tub
17" x 23" x 1 3/4"
12 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 3/4" NFS
2" and 4" NFS
Old Trail Boss
17" x 10" x 1 3/4"
Lil' 'Poke and Big 'Poke
6" and 13" SOLD
Racing with the Moon
17" x 17" x 2" $995
Momma Bear and Cubs
Height = 10" Length = 7" NFS
Height = 15" NFS
17" x 22" x 2" NFS
Mail Pilot
Height = 14 1/2" NFS
Head of Christ
16" x 22" x 1 1/2" NFS
'Poke Washing Socks
18" x 13" x 1 3/4"
13" NFS
Dog and Old Man
2" and 8" SOLD
Praying Hands
8" x 13" x 1 3/4" NFS
Standing Bear
Height = 16" $995
Height = 10" $195
Indian Chief
Height = 10" NFS
'Poke and a Half
8" and 9" NFS
Boy and Dog
10 1/2" NFS
Cougar on Prowl
18" x 14" x 1 1/2" NFS